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SW Institute of Knowledge Enhancement (SWiKen) has launched the HKICPA QP Enhancement Course and FE Enhancement Course for Jun 2020.

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- 對Flipped Class 、 Gamification of learning 有興趣 / 有想法 - 對新的教學形式有興趣 - 每星期 2 小時 (確實時間雙方再議) - $300 /hr
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Web design Agency Miracle Hong Kong understands the importance of a website design that works and converts your target audience into customers. We have acquired the knowledge and experience to underst
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Hey, are you looking for a tutor? I tutor both children and adults in english with over 4 years of experience!

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Joyful Dancing Group 爵士舞蹈 費用: 考級班: $200/堂 興趣班: 單堂$120, 5堂$550, 10堂$1100 內容: 教授爵士舞步 人數: 約2 - 10人 , 年齡: 兒童3.5歲或以上, 成人不限 歡迎自組開班 有意請inbox
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